Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Single doesn't mean you don't know anything about love, it just means you know enough to wait for it!^_^…

We all want to live happy and be loved by the one we love. We all want to feel that we are important and treasured by someone. Being single doesn't mean you don't have capability of loving someone. In fact every human know how to love but not all person are good in expressing it. I'd rather choose to be single and love by many than to be in a relationship full of doubts and pains. It is my choice to stay single because I know time will come in right time, right place, right situation I'll find a man who can love me in a way that I wanted to be loved. Do not rush in making a decision when love is the subject! You might fall for someone who doesn't even deserve you tears rather you smile. Prove to everyone that you're worth a billion and not a cent!... ^_^ have a great night!!...^_^

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